Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Elizabeth
Challenge 25
Objective: Combo 'Debilitate' ([8]2CD) into 'Mamudoon' (236236D).
- Numerical notation: (from far) 236236D, (from close) [2]8CD (successful parry), 5B, 5C, 2C, 214AB, 2AB, 236CD, OMB, 5B, 5C, 2C, 214B
- Arrows notations: (from far) ↓↘→↓↘→ + D, (from close) hold ↓ ↑ + CD (successful parry), B, C, ↓ + C, ↓↙← + AB, ↓ + AB, ↓↘→ + CD, OMB, B, C, ↓ + C, ↓↙← + B
Note: you are supposed to parry a Yu's move with 'Debilitate' and start 'Mamudoon' midcombo, and continue the combo until it activates. But you can do it more easily by activating 'Mamudoon' before starting the combo and throwing Yu to into the air when 'Mamudoon' is activated.
Detailed Explanation:
walk back until you out from Yu's reach,
236236D (activate Mamudoon),
wait, get closer, AC, hold 2 (staying closer makes easier to combo after 'Debilitate'. Hold 'down' while doing the 'Evasive Action' to prepare the next move),
[2]8CD (catch Yu's attack with 'Debilitate'),
5B (when you see Yu falling, catch him with 5B. If you didn't parry him while very close, you will need to microdash before doing 5B),
5C, 2C (cancel from 5B. You did exactly like the video, the challenge should be cleared while doing 2C, that will throw Yu into the activated 'Mamudoon'. But if 'Mamudoon' didn't activated yet, continue the combo),
2AB, 236CD (in the moment Yu is about to touch the ground do a sweep followed by 236CD),
OMB (if 'Mamudoon' activated during this move, cancel into One More Bust to clear the challenge. If not wait as much as you can to cancel into it),
5B, 5C, 2C, 214B (let Yu fall a bit and catch him 5B, followed by this last combo part where 2C or 214B should throw Yu into the activated 'Mamudoon').